Monday, October 17, 2016

All Things Equal

Today was a big day in our house!  We have been trying to coax words other than "Hi" from Irie for a long time.  And this morning, she said both "Mama" and "Dada".  To make it even fairer, Mama came out first, but Dada is more easily understood and frequent.  (If we're being totally honest, "Mama" can sound like a combination of "mama" and "baba" or "mama" and "yaya".)  So we are both melting a little.  :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Potty and Presidents

In an effort to try to remember some of the hilarious things Jovie says, I am trying to document more of them.

Yesterday, she was going poopy and I came in to help her get cleaned up.  As I waited in the bathroom for her, she said very earnestly, "Can you leave?  I think I might need to make a sad face."  I quickly left so that she couldn't see me laughing that she wants to keep the faces she makes when she's going to the bathroom a private matter.

Today, she heard Mike and I talking about the RNC, which led to a conversation about voting.  I was trying to explain to her that in the U.S. we vote for who we want to be president every four years.  I said, "We choose who we want to be president and vice-president."  She broke into my explanation and said "How about God and Jesus?!"  Sometimes kids are smarter than we adults.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Visitors

January brought many visitors to meet baby Irie.  The first were surprise visitors on MLK weekend (1/16-1/18)- the Hoberts!  Mike knew they were coming, but I really had no clue.  It was such a great surprise!

 Irie got to meet all the Hoberts, the Rozelles came along, too, and she got tons and tons of snuggles.  And Jovie got some fun and attention, too!

Mom and Dad came during the week of January 26th and got to stay for a couple days to meet Irie and play with Jovie, of course.  The time also included several snuggles, naps and some walks outside.

A couple days later, Mom and Dad Young arrived to meet Irie for their first time.  And again, lots of snuggles for Irie and playtime with Jovie!

 We also went out to eat at the Station House with them for the first time since Irie was born. 

 And Biscuit stayed with us simultaneously.  Which we were excited about, because we like Irie to be exposed to "dog germs"!

We are very blessed that our girls have so many people to love them!!